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$1,000,000 Bitcoin Price Is Possible Within the Next 18 Months, Says Strike CEO Jack Mallers – Here’s Why


por | May 30 | Uncategorized

Predictions of Bitcoin Reaching Seven Figures by 2025

Jack Mallers, CEO of Strike, has made a bold prediction regarding the future price of Bitcoin. According to Mallers, Bitcoin could reach seven figures by the end of 2025, potentially hitting $1 million by November of that year. His prediction is based on a combination of factors, including the US government’s growing debt and the devaluation of the currency.

The Impact of US Government Debt

Mallers believes that the US government’s mounting debt, which currently stands at $34.577 trillion, will lead to the devaluation of the US dollar. In an attempt to pay off this debt, Mallers suggests that the government will resort to printing money. This increase in money supply could result in inflation and a loss of value for the US dollar.

Bitcoin as a Safe Store of Value

In light of the potential devaluation of the US dollar, Mallers argues that investors will seek alternative assets that can preserve their wealth. He sees Bitcoin as a safe store of value, with its limited supply and decentralized nature making it an attractive option. Mallers believes that this increased demand for Bitcoin as a hedge against inflation could drive its price up significantly.

Mallers’ Bitcoin Price Forecast

Mallers forecasts a Bitcoin price range of $250,000 to $1 million by the end of 2025. He takes into account the ongoing debasement of the US dollar caused by policymakers’ decisions to print money rather than implement drastic budget cuts. With Bitcoin currently trading at $68,405 and showing a 2% increase in the past 24 hours, Mallers’ price predictions suggest significant potential gains for investors in the coming years.

Source: The Daily Hodl

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