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How Much Power Does the SEC Have Over Bitcoin?


The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has increasingly focused on regulating the cryptocurrency market, including Bitcoin.

But does the SEC have power over Bitcoin

This article explores the extent of the SEC’s power over Bitcoin, the legal framework underpinning its authority, and the implications for investors and the broader cryptocurrency ecosystem.

What is the SEC?

The SEC is a federal agency responsible for enforcing securities laws, regulating the securities industry, and protecting investors. Established by the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the SEC’s primary mission is to ensure fair and efficient markets.

The Howey Test: Defining a Security

The SEC’s authority over cryptocurrencies hinges on whether they are classified as securities. The landmark case SEC v. W.J. Howey Co. established the “Howey Test,” which determines if a transaction qualifies as an investment contract (and thus a security). The test has three prongs:

  1. An investment of money
  2. In a common enterprise
  3. With an expectation of profits primarily from the efforts of others

Application to Cryptocurrencies

The SEC has applied the Howey Test to various cryptocurrencies, deeming many as securities. For example, the SEC has classified Ripple (XRP) and Telegram’s Gram (TON) as securities, leading to enforcement actions against their issuers 2.

SEC’s Regulatory Actions on Bitcoin

Bitcoin’s Unique Position

Bitcoin, the first and most well-known digital money, occupies a unique position. Unlike many other cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin is often considered a commodity rather than a security. This distinction is crucial because it places Bitcoin under the regulatory purview of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) rather than the SEC.

Since Bitcoin is fully decentralized, regulatory bodies have almost no power of the core protocol design. While they may enforce rules on centralized service providers such as wallets and exchange, Bitcoin the network won’t be affected by government regulation.

SEC’s Stance on Bitcoin

While the SEC has not classified Bitcoin as a security, it has taken actions that indirectly affect Bitcoin markets. For instance, the SEC has scrutinized Bitcoin-related financial products, such as Bitcoin exchange-traded funds (ETFs) and exchange-traded products (ETPs).

Approval of Bitcoin ETFs

In a significant development, the SEC approved several spot Bitcoin ETPs in early 2024, allowing exchanges to list and trade shares of these products 8. This move was influenced by a U.S. Court of Appeals ruling that criticized the SEC’s previous rejections of similar applications 15.

SEC’s Enforcement Actions and Their Impact

High-Profile Cases

The SEC has brought numerous enforcement actions against cryptocurrency exchanges and issuers. Notably, the SEC sued Coinbase in June 2023, alleging that it traded at least 13 crypto assets classified as securities without proper registration 10. Although Bitcoin was not directly implicated, the case underscores the SEC’s aggressive stance on regulating the broader crypto market.

Increased Enforcement Activity

The SEC’s enforcement actions have surged, with a 53% increase in cryptocurrency-related actions in 2023 compared to 2022 5. This trend reflects the SEC’s prioritization of cryptocurrency regulation under Chair Gary Gensler, who has emphasized the need for robust oversight to protect investors 6.

Implications for Investors and the Crypto Market

Regulatory Uncertainty

The SEC’s actions have created a climate of regulatory uncertainty. While Bitcoin itself may not be classified as a security, the SEC’s scrutiny of related financial products and exchanges can impact Bitcoin’s market dynamics. Investors must navigate a complex regulatory landscape, balancing opportunities with potential compliance risks7.

Compliance Costs

Increased regulatory oversight can lead to higher compliance costs for cryptocurrency exchanges and financial institutions. These costs may be passed on to investors, potentially reducing the attractiveness of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies as investment assets 11.

Market Stability

On the positive side, SEC regulation could enhance market stability by curbing fraudulent activities and ensuring greater transparency. This could attract more institutional investors to the Bitcoin market, fostering long-term growth and maturity 12.

Future Outlook: What Lies Ahead?

Evolving Regulatory Landscape

The regulatory landscape for cryptocurrencies is evolving rapidly. Legislative efforts are underway to establish clearer frameworks for cryptocurrency regulation. For instance, recent legislation aims to delineate when cryptocurrencies should be regulated as securities 21.

SEC’s Continued Focus

The SEC is expected to maintain its focus on cryptocurrency regulation, with ongoing enforcement actions and potential new rules. Investors and market participants should stay informed about regulatory developments to adapt their strategies accordingly 6.

Global Perspective

The SEC’s actions are part of a broader global trend towards increased cryptocurrency regulation. Other countries are also stepping up their regulatory efforts, which could lead to more harmonized international standards over time 9.

Legal experts have provided various insights and comments on the SEC’s lack of direct authority over Bitcoin. Here are some key points and perspectives:

Bitcoin as a Commodity

Many legal experts agree that Bitcoin is generally considered a commodity rather than a security. This classification places Bitcoin under the regulatory purview of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) rather than the SEC. For instance, Gary DeWaal, a legal expert at Katten, has noted that the CFTC should have exclusive authority over spot market crypto assets like Bitcoin6.

SEC’s Indirect Influence

While the SEC does not directly regulate Bitcoin, its actions can still impact the Bitcoin market. Legal experts have pointed out that the SEC’s scrutiny of Bitcoin-related financial products, such as exchange-traded funds (ETFs) and exchange-traded products (ETPs), indirectly influences Bitcoin’s market dynamics. Dalia Blass, a Senior Investment Management Partner, highlighted the SEC’s repeated rejections of Bitcoin ETFs and the need for clearer regulatory standards9.

Recent court rulings have also shaped the discourse around the SEC’s authority. For example, the U.S. Court of Appeals criticized the SEC’s previous rejections of Bitcoin ETP applications, leading to the approval of several spot Bitcoin ETPs in early 20248. This ruling underscores the legal challenges the SEC faces in asserting its authority over Bitcoin-related products.

Regulatory Uncertainty

Legal experts often emphasize the regulatory uncertainty surrounding cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin. This uncertainty stems from the complex and evolving nature of cryptocurrency regulation. Experts argue that clear and consistent regulatory frameworks are needed to provide legal clarity and foster market stability. For instance, Dalia Blass has called for the SEC to establish clear rules for Bitcoin ETFs to avoid “regulation through enforcement”.

Industry Reactions

The cryptocurrency industry has also responded to the SEC’s actions. Critics argue that the SEC’s moves represent regulatory overreach, while proponents believe that robust regulation is necessary to protect investors and ensure market integrity. Gurbir Grewal, SEC enforcement division director, has defended the agency’s actions, stating that the crypto sector’s lack of compliance has forced the SEC to change its strategies.

Future Legislative Efforts

Looking ahead, legal experts anticipate that legislative efforts will play a crucial role in defining the regulatory landscape for cryptocurrencies. New legislation could provide clearer guidelines on when cryptocurrencies should be regulated as securities, potentially reducing the regulatory ambiguity that currently exists.


The SEC wields significant power over the cryptocurrency market, including Bitcoin, through its regulatory and enforcement actions. However, Bitcoin is decentralized and therefore the core protocol cannot be changed. This means regulation has to adapt technology not vice versa.

Therefore, Bitcoin itself is not classified as a security. For more information on the SEC’s role in cryptocurrency regulation, visit the SEC’s official website.

If you’re looking for legal opinions and expert insights, consider following some of the leading legal experts on social media.

This article provides a comprehensive overview of the SEC’s power over Bitcoin, highlighting key regulatory actions, implications for investors, and future outlook. By understanding the SEC’s role and staying informed about regulatory developments, investors can make more informed decisions in the dynamic cryptocurrency market.
[1] https://www.nortonrosefulbright.com/en/knowledge/publications/9da04ce0/secs-crypto-enforcement-authority-sustained-over-coinbases-vigorous-challenges
[2] https://koinly.io/blog/sec-crypto/
[3] https://www.reuters.com/legal/transactional/are-cryptocurrencies-securities-sec-is-answering-question-2022-03-21/
[4] https://news.bitcoin.com/secs-crypto-enforcement-unit-chief-departs-after-9-years/
[5] https://www.cornerstone.com/insights/press-releases/sec-enforcement-of-cryptocurrency-reaches-a-new-high/
[6] https://www.troutman.com/insights/sec-continues-to-regulate-cryptocurrency-through-record-high-enforcement-efforts.html
[7] https://www.investopedia.com/crypto-regulations-for-financial-advisors-8402046
[8] https://www.mofo.com/resources/insights/240226-top-5-sec-enforcement-developments-for-january-2024
[9] https://www.investopedia.com/news/how-sec-regs-will-change-cryptocurrency-markets/
[10] https://www.reuters.com/legal/coinbase-facing-sec-lawsuit-says-regulator-lacks-police-power-over-crypto-2023-06-29/
[11] https://businesslawreview.uchicago.edu/print-archive/does-sec-have-authority-under-howey-regulate-cryptocurrencies
[12] https://www.sec.gov/securities-topics/crypto-assets
[13] https://www.mintz.com/insights-center/viewpoints/2024-04-18-secs-enforcement-authority-over-crypto-asset-transactions
[14] https://www.cornerstone.com/insights/reports/sec-cryptocurrency-enforcement/
[15] https://www.ft.com/content/c862dd6c-6d9f-4565-ae40-1869b00e6e48
[16] https://www.forbes.com/sites/digital-assets/2024/06/22/what-the-shakeup-at-the-sec-means-for-crypto-investors/
[17] https://www.sec.gov/resources-for-investors/investor-alerts-bulletins/exercise-caution-crypto-asset-securities-investor-alert
[18] https://news.bloombergtax.com/financial-accounting/sec-allows-some-exceptions-to-crypto-accounting-rule-compliance
[19] https://finance.yahoo.com/news/sec-ends-investigation-bitcoin-scaling-064716847.html
[20] https://www.sec.gov/resources-for-investors/investor-alerts-bulletins/investoralertsia_bitcoin
[21] https://thehill.com/policy/technology/4680356-house-passes-bill-outlining-new-framework-for-crypto-regulation-despite-sec-pushback/
[22] https://www.brookings.edu/articles/what-do-the-secs-lawsuits-signal-for-the-future-of-cryptocurrency/
[23] https://federal-lawyer.com/blockchain/sec-compliance/
[24] https://www.forbes.com/advisor/investing/cryptocurrency/sec-crypto-regulation/
[25] https://blockworks.co/news/sec-2023-crypto-enforcement-actions
[26] https://www.pillsburylaw.com/en/news-and-insights/coinbase-sec-crypto-exchanges-staking.html
[27] https://www.sec.gov/newsroom/speeches-statements/peirce-uyeda-statement-vaneck-bitcoin-trust-031023
[28] https://www.cnbc.com/2024/07/01/donald-trump-crypto-take-aim-at-sec-as-biden-allies-raise-alarms.html
[29] https://www.reuters.com/technology/us-bitcoin-etf-issuer-talks-with-sec-have-advanced-key-details-sources-2023-12-07/

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