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8 Stufen der Speicherung von Bitcoin
This article is inspired by an original version written by Arman The Parman Securely storing bitcoin is the most important step for any Bitcoiner. In this article we explain the 8 levels of storing bitcoin in an easy-to-understand format. Level 1: Exchange Held...
Bitcoin ist Generationenreichtum
Introduction In a world characterized by economic uncertainties and evolving indebtedness, Bitcoin has emerged as a compelling narrative in the realm of generational wealth. Its meteoric rise from obscurity to global recognition has sparked debates, fueled investment...
Worldcoin: Wie viel bekommen Sie?
Worldcoin is trending and people are flocking to scan their eyeballs for a bit of extra cash. Who says no to free stuff, right?In this article we’ll clarify how much do you get when registering with the worldcoin orb. But we will also explain how much you can possibly...
Inflationsschutz - Fünf Tipps zur Sicherung Ihres Geldes
Inflation is a common problem. And inflation protection is something every individual has to consider to protect wealth from losing value. 1. Study Bitcoin Bitcoin is the best inflation protection you can find due to its unique characteristics as ultra sound money....
Die Inflationssteuer: Ein genauerer Blick auf die Sichtweise der Österreichischen Schule der Nationalökonomie
We already discussed whether inflation is taxation in another article. Today, we will take a closer look at the inflation tax from an "austrian" perspective. Introduction: The Austrian School In the realm of economics, the concept of taxation typically evokes images...
Was ist der Cantillon-Effekt?
What is the Cantillon Effect? The Cantillon Effect refers to the uneven impact of changes in the money supply on different economic groups. It highlights how those who receive new money early, such as financial institutions, benefit more than those who gain access...
Das Bitcoin Whitepaper erklärt: Satoshis Fahrplan zur finanziellen Freiheit
Wenn Sie neu bei Bitcoin sind, möchten Sie wahrscheinlich das Bitcoin-Whitepaper in einfachen Worten erklärt bekommen. Dieser Artikel erklärt die wichtigsten Aspekte in einfachen Worten.
Dollar Cost Averaging kurz erklärt
Dollar-cost averaging (DCA) is a simple and effective investment strategy that can help reduce the impact of market volatility and potentially lower the average cost of your investments over time.
Was ist Dollar Cost Averaging Bitcoin?
What is Dollar Cost Averaging Bitcoin? In this short article we explain the fundamentals of Dollar Cost Averaging (DCA) as well as the particular case to apply the strategy to grow a bitcoin portfolio.
17 Best Bitcoin Videos and DCA Strategy Videos (FREE)
Um mehr über die DCA-Strategie zu erfahren, bietet es sich an, Lehrvideos anzusehen. Wir haben eine Liste mit kostenlosen Videos zur DCA-Strategie zusammengestellt, mit denen Sie Ihr Wissen leicht erweitern können.
Was bedeutet "Dumping für den Einzelhandel"?
If you invest in stocks and crypto you might have heard “dumping on retail,” a concept that has gained traction in recent years due to its significant impact on retail investors.
Was ist ein "Exit-Betrug"?
An exit scam refers to a fraudulent scheme in which the operators of a business, typically an online platform, deceive their users or customers and disappear with their funds.
Halten Sie sich von Richard Heart, dem Spam-König, fern
Richard Heart, der Schöpfer des Shitcoins HEX will nur eines. Ihr Geld. Bleiben Sie weg und lassen Sie sich Ihr Geld nicht von dem berüchtigten Spammer stehlen. Richard Heart ist eine umstrittene Figur im Bereich der Kryptowährungen. Er ist bekannt für seine Beteiligung an der Schaffung und...
Wie man einen DCA-Rechner benutzt
To use a DCA calculator is a straightforward process that helps you plan and execute your investment strategy over time. Dollar-Cost Averaging involves investing a fixed amount of money at regular intervals, regardless of market conditions, to reduce the impact of...
How Tether CEO JL van der Velde attacks the US Dollar
Former Tether CEO Jean Ludovicus van der Velde has a mysterious background. His career offers few clues that he would become a dollar disruptor building a $100 Billion stable coin empire. But he did it anyway. The Tether CEO had an interesting careerTether CEO a...
Wie man einen Pauschalbetrag anlegt
You want to invest a lump sum but aren't entirely sure what it is, how it works and if it is the right strategy. In this article we will explain in simple terms how you can easily in vest a lump some of money into an asset of your choice. Points to Know If you want to...
Dollar Cost Averaging mit Beispielen erklärt
In this article, we will delve into the definition of dollar cost averaging and explain what it is, how it works, and why it can be an effective investment strategy.
Benefits of Dollar Cost Averaging – Top 10
In this article we'll provide an overview over the top 10 benefits of dollar cost averaging. Dollar-cost averaging (DCA) is a widely adopted investment strategy that has gained popularity for its potential benefits in navigating market fluctuations and helping...
Was DCA-Signale von anderen Trading-Strategien unterscheidet - 10 Gründe
Was DCA Signals von anderen Bitcoin-Handelskursen und Investitionsstrategien unterscheidet.
Lump Sum or Dollar Cost Averaging (DCA) what’s Better to buy Bitcoin?
Erfahren Sie, ob Pauschalbeträge oder Dollar Cost Averaging die richtige Strategie sind, um Ihr Portfolio zu vergrößern.
DCA-Strategie: Der psychologische Nutzen
What are the psychological benefits of the DCA Strategy? In this article we'll explain it. What is a DCA Strategy?Psychological Benefits of DCA-ingWhat is a Bitcoin DCA Strategy?What Is The Best Crypto DCA Strategy?DCA Stock StrategyConclusion What is a DCA Strategy?...
The Best 3 Bitcoin Books
This post will discuss two books that provide an in-depth understanding of Bitcoin: "The Bitcoin Standard" by Saifedean Ammous and "The Blocksize War" by Jonathan Bier. As a bonus we will also summarize "The Little Bitcoin Book" because it's a great entry level book...
Die besten DCA-Apps zum regelmäßigen Kauf von Bitcoin
If you are looking to set up a recurring buy, you need the right app. In this comparison we take a look at the best Apps you can use to put your Bitcoin dollar cost average (DCA) strategy into action. In this article, we are going to look into the best DCA Apps to...
Wie man mit "Buy & Hold" Millionär wird 2023
Viele Menschen stehen derzeit vor finanziellen Herausforderungen. Wie man Millionär wird, ist für die meisten Menschen nicht von Interesse. Ihre Gedanken drehen sich um Armut, steigende Preise, Schwierigkeiten, einen Arbeitsplatz zu finden usw. Sie machen etwas falsch. Wissen ist Macht, denn die...
Vergleich zwischen Dollar Cost Averaging und Value Averaging
In this article you will learn the basics about Dollar Cost Averaging vs Value Averaging We will show you simple examples and lay out differences between the two investment strategies. Key InsightsDollar Cost Averaging vs Value Averaging which one is smarter?How Does...