von Hodler Thompson | Aug. 22, 2023 | Wirtschaft, Inflation, Investieren
Is Inflation a Tax? In this article we explore the concept of the inflation tax and lay out why inflation is unjust and puts your money at risk. Inflation has long been a subject of economic discussions, often intertwined with debates about government policies and...
von Hodler Thompson | Aug. 22, 2023 | Wirtschaft, Inflation, Investieren, Investitionsstrategie
What is inflation? As prices go up and up, you might have wondered about the reason for inflation and increasing prices. In this article we will explain what inflation is, how it works and how you can protect yourself. Inflation measured in the consumer price index...
von Hodler Thompson | Aug. 22, 2023 | Bitcoin, Dollar Cost Averaging, Wirtschaft, Inflation, Investieren, Investitionsstrategie
Der Chapwood-Index spiegelt den tatsächlichen Anstieg der Lebenshaltungskosten in Amerika wider. Er wird zweimal jährlich aktualisiert und veröffentlicht und gibt die unbereinigten tatsächlichen Kosten und Preisschwankungen der 500 wichtigsten Posten an, für die Amerikaner in den 50 größten Städten Amerikas ihre Dollar nach Steuern ausgeben...
von Hodler Thompson | Aug. 22, 2023 | Bitcoin, Bitcoin Investieren, DCA-Strategie, Wirtschaft, Investieren, Investitionsstrategie, Saving, Reichtum
Bitcoin’s adoption has given rise to a multitude of terms and concepts unique to the financial world. One such term is “HODL waves,” a phrase that carries significant implications for understanding Bitcoin’s market dynamics and investor...
von Hodler Thompson | Aug. 22, 2023 | DCA-Strategie, Dollar Cost Averaging, Wirtschaft, Saving, Reichtum
The United States is home to some of the world’s most affluent families, whose immense fortunes have been built and passed down through generations. But who are the Wealthiest Families in The US and how did they become so rich? These families wield substantial...
von Hodler Thompson | Aug. 19, 2023 | Bitcoin, Bitcoin Investieren, DCA-Strategie, Wirtschaft, Inflation, Investieren, Bestände
Inflation is a common problem. And inflation protection is something every individual has to consider to protect wealth from losing value. 1. Study Bitcoin Bitcoin is the best inflation protection you can find due to its unique characteristics as ultra sound money....
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